June is one of my favorite months for many reasons. We usually go on vacation to Florida in June, my parents have birthdays in June, summer officially starts in June and Father’s Day is in June! So, it is only fitting that this one is for the amazing ballet/dance dads!
Ballet dads, you make our lives so much better and so much easier! As a ballet mom, I can get out of hand with costumes, tights, studio complications, teacher difficulties, schedule issues, hair problems, makeup problems so it is great to have a perspective and a reality check from our ballet dad.
Ballet dads, you just make sense! You are always there for your dancers and their dance moms. You jump in when needed, you drop off and pick up your dancer, you go on a pointe shoe hunt (even though you call them tippy toe shoes), you support your ballet dancer and show up to performances with flowers, and which dancer does not want to get flowers after an amazing performance on stage.
Ballet dads, you are remarkable, considerate and full of pride for your dancer, which is radiating from the audience, especially when you yell “Bravo!” or quietly steal videos during performances, and then proudly take pictures with your dancer afterwards.
Ballet dads, your subtle bragging at work functions is just so incredible to see and hear, but more importantly it makes your dancer feel very special. Meeting your work colleagues who are up to date on your dancer’s summer intensive programs, competitions, costume problems, choreography and goals for the future, shows your dancer how much you care and how truly dedicated to their dance career you are, even though at times it may be hard for you to show it.
Ballet dads, your dancers want to impress you because your opinion and your company is something they are looking forward to! More importantly, they know you may not understand ballet, or even like it, or maybe you have never seen a ballet before, but now, because of your dancer, you are there! You are invested, you learned, you are excited to see them on stage, you even know the name of the variation. Your worry shows on your face when you are watching how hard your dancer is working, your appreciation for the discipline and work ethic your dancer is building, is something they can feel, and appreciate. Ballet dads, your pacing in front of the ballet school because you are sometimes too intimidated to come in, is everything!
Ballet dads, you are amazing and do not ever change!
Life is great with ballet dads in the audience!